Monday, January 9, 2012

Today I caught a glimpse of the silver lining.
God is faithful.

I'm meeting with an old friend starting this Wednesday for some much needed fellowship and maybe a bible study-type thing. I don't really know what it will end up being like and I don't really care. I just know that it is going to be awesome.

And another thought. When I was younger when I read the verse, "a good tree bears good fruit" I always imagined I was the tree and the fruit was how others respond to the way I live my life. Example: A "good" Christian will produce other "good" Christians.
I don't think that's entirely wrong, but I do think I've been overlooking all the maintenance required on the tree itself. Maybe I expected to sort of see good fruit automatically. It was disappointing. After all, I could go my whole life without seeing any "fruit".

But we also bear fruit in our own lives. Our own growth, spiritual integrity, transformation of the mind... It's important fruit, too. Why do I always overlook that? Typical self-centered hypocrisy. Where is the line between personal growth and investing in others?