Saturday, April 25, 2009


The past couple weeks I have thought about spiritual maturity. Today I actually looked up multiple definitions for "maturity" just to see what exactly that means. Every possible definition has to do with being "fully developed". With that in consideration, a person could not be "more mature" or "less mature" because it just is not possible. You either are or you aren't mature, by definition. For example, something can't be "more perfect" and something can't be "more unique". It just IS perfect/unique or it isn't. If we are looking at maturity syntactically, I don't think maturity is ever really possible. No one is ever spiritually "fully developed". We are continually growing as God causes us to grow. So why do I continue to compare myself now with myself 3 years ago? It will only work to narrow my vision of the spiritually developed person God is shaping me to be.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A sleepy list

The past couple weeks have been ridiculously busy. Even now, I'm exhausted but am writing this post just because I wanted to say a couple things which are more important than sleep is to me right now... (but seriously, after I post this... Going to crash)

#1. I don't know anything. It's terribly amazing.
#2. Reading posts by Zoe Davis makes me happy.
#3. God has a plan for my life. Sometimes I try to figure out what that plan is before it is time to know... I wonder if it's like when kids look for their Christmas presents when their parents aren't around.
#4. My life and all the events in it are never really as important or dramatic as I think.