Thursday, April 16, 2009

A sleepy list

The past couple weeks have been ridiculously busy. Even now, I'm exhausted but am writing this post just because I wanted to say a couple things which are more important than sleep is to me right now... (but seriously, after I post this... Going to crash)

#1. I don't know anything. It's terribly amazing.
#2. Reading posts by Zoe Davis makes me happy.
#3. God has a plan for my life. Sometimes I try to figure out what that plan is before it is time to know... I wonder if it's like when kids look for their Christmas presents when their parents aren't around.
#4. My life and all the events in it are never really as important or dramatic as I think.

1 comment:

zoe said...

Reading what you write makes ME happy!
maybe i'll see you at central tomorrow